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Why is a word divided into syllables?
What is Accent?
What kind of words have no accent?
How many kinds of accent?
What is common accent?
How many kinds of common accent?
What are they?
What is primary accent?
What is secondary accent?
11 What kind of accent is essential to every word of more than one syllable?
How close can primary and secondary accent come together?
How many primary accents can one word have?
How many secondary accents can a word have?
In case of two secondary accents, where are they placed?
In case of two secondary, where is the primary accent?
Do the primary and secondary ever change places?
In words of two syllables, where is the accent?
In trisyllables, what syllable is accented?
Are there any exceptions?
In polysyllables, where is the accent?
In all words ending in ation, where is the accent?
What is Emphatic accent?
Have monosyllables any accent?
What is Discriminating accent?
Give some examples
What is Punctuation?
How many kinds of punctuation are there?
What are they?
What is Rhetorical punctuation?
What is Etymological punctuation?
What is Reference punctuation?
What is punctuation for the Printer?
What are the principal Etymological points?
What is the use of the Apostrophe?
What letter is omitted in the word o'clock?
What is the use of the Caret?
Is the Caret used in printed copy or manuscript?
For what is the Dieresis used?
Give an example of the use of the Dieresis
What is the use of the Macron?
What is a long syllable?
What is the use of the Breve?
What is a short syllable?
What kind of a mark is the Tilde?
How many uses has the Tilde?
What are they?
How many accent marks are there?
What are they?
What is the use of the Grave accent?
What is the use of the Acute accent?
What is the use of the Circumflex?
How many uses has the Hyphen?
What are they?
When should the Hyphen be used in a compound word?
When use the Dieresis instead of the Hyphen?
What is the use of the Period?
Are there any other uses of the Period?
Where else is the Period used?
Name the points used in Reference punctuation
Are these marks ever doubled?
Are Letters ever used for reference?