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The Dash

=65. Sudden Break in Thought
Use a dash to mark a sudden suspension
of the thought or a violent break in the construction of the sentence.

"You mean to say--Just what are you
talking about?" he questioned awkwardly.

=66. Date Lines
In stories written under a date line place a dash
between the date or the Special and the beginning of the story. Thus:

Sylvester, Ga., Jan. 21.--Five negroes were taken
from the county jail and lynched at an early hour
this morning.

=67. After "namely," "viz.," etc
Place a dash after namely, as,
that is, viz., etc., when introducing an example or an

The mob seemed to hold him responsible for
two things, namely--the lost key and the barred

=68. Lists of Officers
In giving lists of officers, put a dash
between the name of the office and the officer. Thus:

The newly elected officers are: President--O. N.
Homer; Vice President--Abner King; Secretary--David
Thoeder; Treasurer--Mark Bronson.

=69. Dialogue, Questions and Answers
In quoting questions and
answers, proceedings of public bodies or trials, and dialogue generally,
put a dash between the Q. or the A., or the name of the speaker, and
the statement made. And make a new paragraph for each speaker. Thus:

Q.--Are you a resident of Montana? A.--I have
been for four years.

=70. Slowness of Speech
Put a dash between words or phrases to
indicate slowness or hesitancy in speech. Thus: "These, he said, were
his--er--wife's slippers."

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