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Present Past Perfect ...

A conjunction joins words, clauses and sentences; as "John an...

Indispensable Books
Homer, Dante, Cervantes, Shakespeare and Goethe. (The best...

The Subscription or ending of a letter consists of the term o...

What Should Guests Talk About At Dinner?
"Good talk is not to be had for the asking. Humors must fir...

Kinds Of Style
Style has been classified in different ways, but it admits of...

Essentials Of English Grammar
In order to speak and write the English language correc...

Power Of Fitness Tact And Nicety In Business Words
There is an aspect of business words which has to do with s...


Small Words - Their Importance - The Anglo-Saxon Element

The newspaper nowadays goes into every home in the land; what was

formerly regarded as a luxury is now looked upon as a necessity. No

matter how poor the individual, he is not too poor to afford a penny to

learn, not alone what is taking place around him in his own immediate

vicinity, but also what is happening in every quarter of the globe. The

laborer on the street can be as well posted on the news of the day as the

banker in his office. Through the newspaper he can feel the pulse of the

country and find whether its vitality is increasing or diminishing; he

can read the signs of the times and scan the political horizon for what

concerns his own interests. The doings of foreign countries are spread

before him and he can see at a glance the occurrences in the remotest

corners of earth. If a fire occurred in London last night he can read

about it at his breakfast table in New York this morning, and probably

get a better account than the Londoners themselves. If a duel takes place

in Paris he can read all about it even before the contestants have left

the field.

There are upwards of 3,000 daily newspapers in the United States, more

than 2,000 of which are published in towns containing less than 100,000

inhabitants. In fact, many places of less than 10,000 population can

boast the publishing of a daily newspaper. There are more than 15,000

weeklies published. Some of the so-called country papers wield quite an

influence in their localities, and even outside, and are money-making

agencies for their owners and those connected with them, both by way of

circulation and advertisements.

It is surprising the number of people in this country who make a living

in the newspaper field. Apart from the regular toilers there are thousands

of men and women who make newspaper work a side issue, who add tidy sums

of "pin money" to their incomes by occasional contributions to the daily,

weekly and monthly press. Most of these people are only persons of

ordinary, everyday ability, having just enough education to express

themselves intelligently in writing.

It is a mistake to imagine, as so many do, that an extended education is

necessary for newspaper work. Not at all! On the contrary, in some cases,

a high-class education is a hindrance, not a help in this direction. The

general newspaper does not want learned disquisitions nor philosophical

theses; as its name implies, it wants news, current news, interesting

news, something to appeal to its readers, to arouse them and rivet their

attention. In this respect very often a boy can write a better article

than a college professor. The professor would be apt to use words beyond

the capacity of most of the readers, while the boy, not knowing such

words, would probably simply tell what he saw, how great the damage was,

who were killed or injured, etc., and use language which all would


Of course, there are some brilliant scholars, deeply-read men and women

in the newspaper realm, but, on the whole, those who have made the

greatest names commenced ignorant enough and most of them graduated by

way of the country paper. Some of the leading writers of England and

America at the present time started their literary careers by contributing

to the rural press. They perfected and polished themselves as they went

along until they were able to make names for themselves in universal


If you want to contribute to newspapers or enter the newspaper field as a

means of livelihood, don't let lack of a college or university education

stand in your way. As has been said elsewhere in this book, some of the

greatest masters of English literature were men who had but little

advantage in the way of book learning. Shakespeare, Bunyan, Burns, and

scores of others, who have left their names indelibly inscribed on the

tablets of fame, had little to boast of in the way of book education, but

they had what is popularly known as "horse" sense and a good working

knowledge of the world; in other words, they understood human nature, and

were natural themselves. Shakespeare understood mankind because he was

himself a man; hence he has portrayed the feelings, the emotions, the

passions with a master's touch, delineating the king in his palace as true

to nature as he has done the peasant in his hut. The monitor within his own

breast gave him warning as to what was right and what was wrong, just as

the daemon ever by the side of old Socrates whispered in his ear the course

to pursue under any and all circumstances. Burns guiding the plough

conceived thoughts and clothed them in a language which has never, nor

probably never will be, surpassed by all the learning which art can confer.

These men were natural, and it was the perfection of this naturality that

wreathed their brows with the never-fading laurels of undying fame.

If you would essay to write for the newspaper you must be natural and

express yourself in your accustomed way without putting on airs or

frills; you must not ape ornaments and indulge in bombast or rhodomontade

which stamp a writer as not only superficial but silly. There is no room

for such in the everyday newspaper. It wants facts stated in plain,

unvarnished, unadorned language. True, you should read the best authors

and, as far as possible, imitate their style, but don't try to literally

copy them. Be yourself on every occasion--no one else.

Not like Homer would I write,

Not like Dante if I might,

Not like Shakespeare at his best,

Not like Goethe or the rest,

Like myself, however small,

Like myself, or not at all.

Put yourself in place of the reader and write what will interest yourself

and in such a way that your language will appeal to your own ideas of the

fitness of things. You belong to the great commonplace majority,

therefore don't forget that in writing for the newspapers you are writing

for that majority and not for the learned and aesthetic minority.

Remember you are writing for the man on the street and in the street car,

you want to interest him, to compel him to read what you have to say. He

does not want a display of learning; he wants news about something which

concerns himself, and you must tell it to him in a plain, simple manner

just as you would do if you were face to face with him.

What can you write about? Why about anything that will constitute current

news, some leading event of the day, anything that will appeal to the

readers of the paper to which you wish to submit it. No matter in what

locality you may live, however backward it may be, you can always find

something of genuine human interest to others. If there is no news

happening, write of something that appeals to yourself. We are all

constituted alike, and the chances are that what will interest you will

interest others. Descriptions of adventure are generally acceptable. Tell

of a fox hunt, or a badger hunt, or a bear chase.

If there is any important manufacturing plant in your neighborhood

describe it and, if possible, get photographs, for photography plays a

very important part in the news items of to-day. If a "great" man lives

near you, one whose name is on the tip of every tongue, go and get an

interview with him, obtain his views on the public questions of the day,

describe his home life and his surroundings and how he spends his time.

Try and strike something germane to the moment, something that stands out

prominently in the limelight of the passing show. If a noted personage,

some famous man or woman, is visiting the country, it is a good time to

write up the place from which he or she comes and the record he or she has

made there. For instance, it was opportune to write of Sulu and the little

Pacific archipelago during the Sultan's trip through the country. If an

attempt is made to blow up an American battleship, say, in the harbor of

Appia, in Samoa, it affords a chance to write about Samoa and Robert Louis

Stephenson. When Manuel was hurled from the throne of Portugal it was a

ripe time to write of Portugal and Portuguese affairs. If any great

occurrence is taking place in a foreign country such as the crowning of a

king or the dethronement of a monarch, it is a good time to write up the

history of the country and describe the events leading up to the main

issue. When a particularly savage outbreak occurs amongst wild tribes in

the dependencies, such as a rising of the Manobos in the Philippines, it is

opportune to write of such tribes and their surroundings, and the causes

leading up to the revolt.

Be constantly on the lookout for something that will suit the passing

hour, read the daily papers and probably in some obscure corner you may

find something that will serve you as a foundation for a good article--

something, at least, that will give you a clue.

Be circumspect in your selection of a paper to which to submit your copy.

Know the tone and general import of the paper, its social leanings and

political affiliations, also its religious sentiments, and, in fact, all

the particulars you can regarding it. It would be injudicious for you to

send an article on a prize fight to a religious paper or, vice versa,

an account of a church meeting to the editor of a sporting sheet.

If you get your copy back don't be disappointed nor yet disheartened.

Perseverance counts more in the newspaper field than anywhere else, and

only perseverance wins in the long run. You must become resilient; if you

are pressed down, spring up again. No matter how many rebuffs you may

receive, be not discouraged but call fresh energy to your assistance and

make another stand. If the right stuff is in you it is sure to be

discovered; your light will not remain long hidden under a bushel in the

newspaper domain. If you can deliver the goods editors will soon be

begging you instead of your begging them. Those men are constantly on the

lookout for persons who can make good.

Once you get into print the battle is won, for it will be an incentive to

you to persevere and improve yourself at every turn. Go over everything

you write, cut and slash and prune until you get it into as perfect form

as possible. Eliminate every superfluous word and be careful to strike

out all ambiguous expressions and references.

If you are writing for a weekly paper remember it differs from a daily

one. Weeklies want what will not alone interest the man on the street,

but the woman at the fireside; they want out-of-the-way facts, curious

scraps of lore, personal notes of famous or eccentric people, reminiscences

of exciting experiences, interesting gleanings in life's numberless

by-ways, in short, anything that will entertain, amuse, instruct the home

circle. There is always something occurring in your immediate surroundings,

some curious event or thrilling episode that will furnish you with data

for an article. You must know the nature of the weekly to which you

submit your copy the same as you must know the daily. For instance, the

Christian Herald, while avowedly a religious weekly, treats such secular

matter as makes the paper appeal to all. On its religious side it is

non-sectarian, covering the broad field of Christianity throughout the

world; on its secular side it deals with human events in such an impartial

way that every one, no matter to what class they may belong or to what

creed they may subscribe, can take a living, personal interest.

The monthlies offer another attractive field for the literary aspirant.

Here, again, don't think you must be an university professor to write for a

monthly magazine. Many, indeed most, of the foremost magazine contributors

are men and women who have never passed through a college except by going

in at the front door and emerging from the back one. However, for the most

part, they are individuals of wide experience who know the practical side

of life as distinguished from the theoretical.

The ordinary monthly magazine treats of the leading questions and issues

which are engaging the attention of the world for the moment, great

inventions, great discoveries, whatever is engrossing the popular mind

for the time being, such as flying machines, battleships, sky-scrapers,

the opening of mines, the development of new lands, the political issues,

views of party leaders, character sketches of distinguished personages,

etc. However, before trying your skill for a monthly magazine it would be

well for you to have a good apprenticeship in writing for the daily


Above all things, remember that perseverance is the key that opens the

door of success. Persevere! If you are turned down don't get

disheartened; on the contrary, let the rebuff act as a stimulant to

further effort. Many of the most successful writers of our time have been

turned down again and again. For days and months, and even years, some of

them have hawked their wares from one literary door to another until they

found a purchaser. You may be a great writer in embryo, but you will

never develop into a fetus, not to speak of full maturity, unless you

bring out what is in you. Give yourself a chance to grow and seize upon

everything that will enlarge the scope of your horizon. Keep your eyes

wide open and there is not a moment of the day in which you will not see

something to interest you and in which you may be able to interest

others. Learn, too, how to read Nature's book. There's a lesson in

everything--in the stones, the grass, the trees, the babbling brooks and

the singing birds. Interpret the lesson for yourself, then teach it to

others. Always be in earnest in your writing; go about it in a determined

kind of way, don't be faint-hearted or backward, be brave, be brave, and

evermore be brave.

On the wide, tented field in the battle of life,

With an army of millions before you;

Like a hero of old gird your soul for the strife

And let not the foeman tramp o'er you;

Act, act like a soldier and proudly rush on

The most valiant in Bravery's van,

With keen, flashing sword cut your way to the front

And show to the world you're a Man.

If you are of the masculine gender be a man in all things in the highest

and best acceptation of the word. That is the noblest title you can

boast, higher far than that of earl or duke, emperor or king. In the same

way womanhood is the grandest crown the feminine head can wear. When the

world frowns on you and everything seems to go wrong, possess your soul

in patience and hope for the dawn of a brighter day. It will come. The

sun is always shining behind the darkest clouds. When you get your

manuscripts back again and again, don't despair, nor think the editor

cruel and unkind. He, too, has troubles of his own. Keep up your spirits

until you have made the final test and put your talents to a last analysis,

then if you find you cannot get into print be sure that newspaper writing

or literary work is not your forte, and turn to something else. If

nothing better presents itself, try shoemaking or digging ditches.

Remember honest labor, no matter how humble, is ever dignified. If you

are a woman throw aside the pen, sit down and darn your brother's, your

father's, or your husband's socks, or put on a calico apron, take soap

and water and scrub the floor. No matter who you are do something useful.

That old sophistry about the world owing you a living has been exploded

long ago. The world does not owe you a living, but you owe it servitude,

and if you do not pay the debt you are not serving the purpose of an

all-wise Providence and filling the place for which you were created. It

is for you to serve the world, to make it better, brighter, higher, holier,

grander, nobler, richer, for your having lived in it. This you can do in

no matter what position fortune has cast you, whether it be that of

street laborer or president. Fight the good fight and gain the victory.

"Above all, to thine own self be true,

And 'twill follow as the night the

day, Thou canst not then be false to any man."



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