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Speaking Writing Articles

Rules of grammar and rhetoric are good in their own pla...

Don't say "I shall summons him," but "I shall summon him." Su...

When two singular subjects are connected by neither, nor use ...

Each Otherone Another
Each other refers to two, one another to more than two. "Jone...

That For So
"The hurt it was that painful it made him cry," say "so painf...

The first requisite of style is choice of words, and this com...

"Don't say, These kind; those sort. Kind and sort are each si...

Discussion Versus Controversy
Many people object to discussion, but they are invariably t...


Principles of Letter Writing - Forms - Notes

The address of a letter consists of the name, the title and the

Mr. Hugh Black,
112 Southgate Street,

Intimate friends have often familiar names for each other, such as pet
names, nicknames, etc., which they use in the freedom of conversation,
but such names should never, under any circumstances, appear on the
envelope. The subscription on the envelope should be always written with
propriety and correctness and as if penned by an entire stranger. The
only difficulty in the envelope inscription is the title. Every man is
entitled to Mr. and every lady to Mrs. and every unmarried lady to
Miss. Even a boy is entitled to Master. When more than one is addressed
the title is Messrs. Mesdames is sometimes written of women. If the
person addressed has a title it is courteous to use it, but titles never
must be duplicated. Thus, we can write

Robert Stitt, M. D., but never
Dr. Robert Stitt, M. D, or
Mr. Robert Stitt, M. D.

In writing to a medical doctor it is well to indicate his profession by
the letters M. D. so as to differentiate him from a D. D. It is better to
write Robert Stitt, M. D., than Dr. Robert Stitt.

In the case of clergymen the prefix Rev. is retained even when they have
other titles; as

Rev. Tracy Tooke, LL. D.

When a person has more titles than one it is customary to only give him
the leading one. Thus instead of writing Rev. Samuel MacComb, B. A.,
M. A., B. Sc., Ph. D., LL. D., D. D. the form employed is Rev. Samuel
MacComb, LL. D. LL. D. is appended in preference to D. D. because in most
cases the "Rev." implies a "D. D." while comparatively few with the prefix
"Rev." are entitled to "LL. D."

In the case of Honorables such as Governors, Judges, Members of Congress,
and others of the Civil Government the prefix "Hon." does away with Mr.
and Esq. Thus we write Hon. Josiah Snifkins, not Hon. Mr. Josiah Snifkins
or Hon. Josiah Snifkins, Esq. Though this prefix Hon. is also often
applied to Governors they should be addressed as Excellency. For instance:

His Excellency,
Charles E. Hughes,

Next: N. Y.


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